This site comprises documentation of my contact and interaction with Virginia State Police Special Agent (Anthony) Tony Gattuso -- up until the agency he's employed by forbid him to see me. Posts are in chronological order; newest additions are on the last page.

Chat with DJ Vox

from DJ Vox
date Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 8:04 PM
subject Chat with DJ Vox

8:04 PM DJ: Yes'm :)
8:05 PM And when I say pose, it's only for the camera in my mind. My eye.. my memories.
me: yay!
mind camera huh?
DJ: I'd like to try nudes one day but more abstract ones... where you don't know it's a nude on first glance.
8:06 PM Yes.
8:07 PM me: that sounds cool
I know one thing, if I looked like any one of these girls I would be such a slut
8:08 PM DJ: What difference does body type make?
I think your bod is super sexy)
8:09 PM me: body type makes all the difference
ty for the flattery
DJ: it's the truth
It makes me think dirty... that's sexy tome.
8:10 PM me: dirty thinking is hardwired into the male brain
DJ: I'm different. (don
don't sayanything
hold typing for a sec
I have to reset the gmail window it's messing up
8:11 PM allo?
me: here
8:12 PM DJ: The box wouldn't pop out or close.
me: how strange that you found a vargas on your boob guy site
DJ: I had to refresh the main window
he's very eclectic in his tastes
i don't go for all the images he posts but every once and a while he strikes a nerve.
8:13 PM He had the Sin Cider one too
me: that's a cool one
8:14 PM there were a couple of female artists that do similar styles that I like...
one woman I had to buy a book to get her work because there
is nothing by her on the net
8:15 PM now I keep hitting the enter button too soon
DJ: I like bette page stuff too but she's been over exposed (no pun intended)
Still on the other lap top?
8:16 PM me: yeah... rebuilding the link library
bettie page is over-rated
DJ: see.. now YOU'RE the smart one!
noooooooo that's not what I said.. Isaid I LIKE her...
Not that she was over the top good or anything.
8:17 PM me: well of course YOU would like her... she was fetish and spanky-ish
DJ: Actually those are not the ones I realy like...
me: why am I now the smart one?
8:18 PM DJ: she went to florida and stayed with a friend who took pics iof her on the beach and such.. not naked even.. she's got such a gleam in her eye that it's appealing.
that's all... nothing kinky at all.
I think it appeals because she was really enjoying herself vs. working fetish stuff.
8:19 PM me: maybe
DJ: Honest... like porn.. I hate the pro produced stuff.
8:20 PM me: I don't like much that most people do
DJ: you see?
nothing wrong with being different.
"picky" even.
8:21 PM me: but I often do get why people like what they do
DJ: Sometimes that is easy to see... every once and a while I wonder....
me: clowns?
8:22 PM DJ: yup... there are those who are totally freaked out scared of clowns...
and those that are on the other side... I don't understand either of them.
me: I understand both
DJ: But... as long as no one is getting hurt.. to each his own.
I have a better handle on the scary side.
8:23 PM me: you who are an optimist doesn't get the other side of that one?
DJ: no not really.... Unless it's just a little regression thearpy
8:24 PM me: interesting thought
8:25 PM DJ: Like the folks who like infantilism
Only being childlike .
Michael Jackson comes to mind
i think his was arrested develpment but it was volentary.
8:26 PM Peter Pan syndrome.. he didn't want to grow up.
me: a sick sick ogre he was
DJ: I wouldn't have a single problem with it were it not for the kids involved.
8:27 PM talented but troubled.
me: talented? good lord
8:28 PM DJ: Ok..... he had talent.. it was wasted but he did have it.
me: talent where? in what way?
8:29 PM DJ: Jackson five stuff was a hoot... just as entertainers they succeeded.... much like the osmands.
It was all down hill after that.
8:30 PM He rode on Quincy Jones after that.
Or Quincy rode him...
Don't worry.. I never had any MJ lps
me: this is a totally yukko conversation
8:31 PM DJ: It's beautiful outside and going to be just as nice tomorrow :)
and I'm normally able to gin up haiku pretty quick but all of a sudden they all suck
8:32 PM me: why's that?
8:33 PM DJ: Well.... I was trying to send you one so I'm getting picky
they are not making the grade.
me: I wish you would stop doing that
8:34 PM DJ: Ok come on.... I can't send an actually crappy one.
8:35 PM me: I might like it
you don't know
8:36 PM DJ: To be honest.. I just haven't made a good one work yet... you'll get one :)
8:37 PM me: hmm
DJ: yes'm?
8:38 PM me: just analyzing what you say
DJ: I know you do.
every word
8:39 PM Can't wait to grab you... give you a big squeeze.....
whisper.... "Ask me" .. in your ear ;)
8:40 PM me: I get chills thinking about it
DJ: Still anxious?
8:41 PM Better be careful:
8:42 PM me: Oh. My. God.
I don't even know what to say
DJ: I hope she didn't suffer ... (and I'm not kidding)
8:43 PM It'd be cool if it was just all good.
me: still have nothing to say
8:44 PM actually...
have a lot to say...
just not going to say t
DJ: why?
8:45 PM me: I couldn't really say
8:46 PM how did you find that story? why is it news?
me: oh
just caught your eye?
DJ: I thought it was funny tha tit popped up right as I was asking if you were anxious.
8:47 PM NOT that I was laughing at her death.
me: well now that I know stuff like that makes news I will never masturbate again
(I just wanted to type masturbate at you)
8:48 PM DJ: ;)
Yes.. please be kidding.....
Not that you (or I) ever do that anyway...
me: how often do you do you?
8:49 PM since you brought it up
8:50 PM DJ: Depends...
Now days... at least once a day... sometimes more.
If I were in a relationship with someone my speed... I'd not do it nearly as often... "save ti for her" so to speak.
8:51 PM (NOW she's gonna think i'm a freak
me: I'm trying to decide if you are being serious
8:52 PM DJ: I'm dead serious.
me: in that case....
DJ: why?
I have a sex drive.
it's very strong...
8:53 PM me: but you didn't want me?
I'm confused
8:54 PM DJ: Wait?? what are you asking?
I keep telling you.. don't think my self control means a lack of desire.
8:55 PM me: I have nothing to say
8:56 PM DJ: Why?
me: not that you needed me to say anything
DJ: I do.. I think this topic is tops on the discussion list for tomorrow :P
me: oh. no. no, we don't need to talk about this again at all. really.
DJ: Ok.
8:59 PM me: I can't believe you told me that
9:00 PM DJ: what?
me: how often
9:01 PM DJ: You want I should lie?
me: if someone else asked would you tell her? or would no one else ask?
no I DEFINITELY never want you to lie
DJ: I nevet talk to anyone like this.
and besides.. it's YOU...
you have a different.....
me: you lie to me and all bets are off
DJ: hmmm how to describe it.....
I know...
9:02 PM You have a different connection to me.
We are so similar in some things that it's easy to be open.
Even though we may be different in others.
I know you don't like "different" hut it just is.
and totally unexpected.
9:03 PM Our saren moment.
9:04 PM me: is there anything you wouldn't tell me?
DJ: As far as me personally probably not.
Work wise sure.. but that goes not only for you.
9:05 PM But not personal stuff.
I trust you.
(can I get a smile for that?
9:06 PM me: depends...
which word is the emphasis on?
I? Trust? Or you?
9:07 PM But it all goes together.
You are a good soul. i value that.
me: are you a good judge of character?
9:08 PM DJ: I have a pretty good track record.
You pulling the wool over my eyes?
9:09 PM me: would I tell you if I was?
DJ: Thus the age old veracity problem.
9:10 PM ;)
"trust but verify"
me: we have looked each other in the eyes
DJ: If what I feel from you is fake, you are the worlds best actress.
9:11 PM (once you took off those shades!)
9:12 PM me: you tricked me into it
DJ: Nope...
me: Yep...
DJ: 'twas your idea to doff them.
9:13 PM me: if I'd left them on inside I woulda come across as a druggie or something
DJ: :P
9:14 PM So how much pain did my seeing your eyes cause?
me: incalculable
9:15 PM DJ: fibber
oh wait...
I agree..
since it's probably so SMALL a value as to be.....
Below the resolving power of any measuring instrument.
9:16 PM ChaCHING
me: you are too cute
DJ: :)
ever had someone turn something around on you so neatly? ;)
9:17 PM me: only when I intentionally set them up to do so ;)
DJ: Oh puleeeze...
"damage control"
me: if you say so
DJ: :P
You're pretty damn cute yourself.
9:18 PM me: thank you
DJ: less than 12
me: countin' down are ya?
DJ: have been.
9:19 PM me: hell! it's after 9. I gotta close up shop
DJ: !
me: you distract me too well
DJ: You at work?
me: hard at work at that
DJ: but AT your job? I shouldn't have bugged you.
9:20 PM me: I have to be on the PC... you aren't bugging me
although now I have to not be on the PC... but I'll be home in a little while
DJ: Okedoke.
9:21 PM I may have to be outta here for a bit.. If I don't make it back, I'll call/text in the morning when I get there.
me: okay
DJ: I'm very excited :)
me: meeeeeeee too :)
DJ: sigh
9:22 PM me: sigh indeed
DJ: Ok..:)
me: see ya 'round
DJ: I'm shutting up/