This site comprises documentation of my contact and interaction with Virginia State Police Special Agent (Anthony) Tony Gattuso -- up until the agency he's employed by forbid him to see me. Posts are in chronological order; newest additions are on the last page.

This or That

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Tony began a “This or That” gambol with me via email.

The gist of the game is for one person to pose a question which offers two choices and the respondent is to pick the option which is preferable to him or her. For example, Tony started with “Mac or Windows?” and I replied “Windows;” next from him came “Mountains or beach?,” my response being “Mountains.” It’s a lighthearted yet efficient means to harvest insight about its players.

At least a couple of hundred of our emails were devoted to this -- with the probing officer doing most of the asking. While he was learning things about me by my answers to his postulations, I was extrapolating things about him more by the type of interrogatives he was tossing my way.

When I told him I opted for “shaven” as opposed to “facial hair,” he wrote back “(makes note to shave),” and upon my saying I liked a male to have as short of hair on his head as possible, he joked he would schedule a haircut.

I let him know I liked “tall” and, subsequently, “solid” as a build. The combination prompted me to inquire of him what his body type was and he stated “A TAD more solid than I'd like... I just sent a pic... I've gained about 15 since that picture because i've not been rock climbing lately but I'm getting back to the gym as I'm hating the extra at the moment. I'm just shy of 6'2" and am about 205 right now. I was about 190 in that picture.”

Because he reveled in creating new subject titles, Tony had a habit of delivering multiple emails to my Inbox -- on that date, 6/30/2010, there were seven of them going at once -- so I had to temporarily put our “This or That” on pause in order to hunt down the one I’d clearly missed that included the photograph pertaining to his comment.

Our disporting activity continued until well past midnight, ultimately leading to a provocatively carnal tone mainly set in motion by this remark of his:

“I consider myself a sensualist... not in the sexual sense (but of course that is included) but in the, "being aware of your senses" sense. Feeling the sun on your skin... cool breezes.... the caress of your lovers hair falling across your shoulder..... smell of ozone from a thunderstorm.”

He followed it up with this admission:

“I have a multi-track mind.... there are two trains that are always running... food and sex.... sometimes on the same track.....”

I took it all in stride. I mean, gosh, a guy who’s always thinking about sex? There’s a shocker!

Our hours-long game would conclude with an emoticon wink and a “Distract you tomorrow..... ;) Night” from my playmate. But, as impending contact would evidence, that night’s delving into titillating was only the idiomatic scratched surface of what was to come.