date Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:48 PM
subject Chat with DJ Vox
10:48 PM DJ: Hola :)
10:49 PM me: aloha :)
DJ: Mazaltov
me: oy vey
DJ: Oh La La!
10:50 PM me: you're in a very good mood. you get laid or something?
DJ: Actually I[m a little depressed still... but talking to you counteracts it.
to top it off....
And I'll spare you the details....
10:51 PM While texting a bit ago I was dealing with some intestinal issues :(
me: travel bug?
DJ: Not a happy belly for some reason.
I'm a mess.
me: why depressed?
10:52 PM DJ: things in general... plus a week away from my vitimen D happy pills.
I forgot to pack them.
it could be a total placebo effect but it does happen.
me: sorry
10:53 PM DJ: No... no sorrys.
How was your night?
me: I'll spare you the details
but no bathroom camping for me
DJ: Good.
me: did you see the article in the daily progress?
10:54 PM DJ: No., this is the first I've had a chance to get on the computer all day.
is it online?
10:55 PM not a bad piece
I noted they mentioned everyone by name except Stoltz
I hope The Hook not only uses his name but his picture too
10:56 PM DJ: reading..
10:57 PM not much to it.
me: this is "major randall snead":
mild story, you're right
I'm glad for that
10:58 PM randall snead's cousin rodney snead is the one who is investigating the case
DJ: Has he contacted you about an interview?
10:59 PM me: nope. I've spoken to him twice. first to find out if there was a list of seized items and what the items were and second to find out if they got their search warrant
11:00 PM both conversations were terse
DJ: I would think he'd take an oppertunity to ask you a few questions.
me: already made up his mind about me, doesn't need to talk to me
DJ: Sorta incompleate without even attempting an interview.
me: have you been drinking tonight?
DJ: Not professional at all.
11:01 PM Nope.
laying down and lazy typing.. I'll try to clean it up.
me: it's the Greene County Sheriff's Office... they're stereotypical small town law
11:02 PM normally I would try to carry on a discussion with any LEO...
but five seconds of listening to the guy and I couldn't bear the thought of anything longer
you don't have to clean up your chatting...
11:03 PM was just a question
DJ: "Investigator Sneed, did you ever at all attempt to interview my client?"... "no Sir"...
Drinking was last night.
11:04 PM me: did I hear from you last night -- I don't remember?
DJ: Text.
me: you sure do drink a lot for a guy who doesn't drink much
11:05 PM DJ: I've been stressed.
Not a drop today though.
And heck... it was only ONE drink yesterday.
I'm a cheap date.
me: I wouldn't know... I've never been on a date with you
11:06 PM DJ: :(
me: no reason for you to frown
DJ: just more reminders that I'm a mess ]
11:07 PM
DJ: I want to try some B and W nude some day... abstract like that.
11:08 PM me: some of them are TOO abstract
DJ: Balance
That's the tough part
11:09 PM me: [black and white picture link redacted]
DJ: :)
she's lookiing
DJ: More places to bite?
11:11 PM me: just thought it was cool
as a pic
11:12 PM DJ: complicated.... you have to look for a bit to figure what's going on.
me: want to see any more... I had about 15 or so bookmarked
if not, it's okay
11:13 PM DJ: I ike it when you share... I'm starting to look also but nothing's made the cut yet.
11:14 PM me: I'm not looking now... these have built up
DJ: [porn link redacted]
11:15 PM me: you do like what you like, all right
DJ: One very good arguemen t for a video camera right there... so be able to see the face
yours that is.
mine is the only reason I'd ever fantasize about more than one woman.
11:16 PM me: [link redacted]
speaking of
I REALLY like that picture
11:17 PM DJ: Nice.. and it would be deminished by color too.
DJ: all good.
fabulous arrangement
DJ: Interesting... desaturated too... almost as good as B and W.
me: as is this one:
11:20 PM DJ: Yum
Reminds me of when you had your hands on yourself..... sigh
DJ: In order... 1 2... but both very nice.
me: this actress is beautiful, I think:
11:22 PM DJ: Looks better there than some other times I've seen her.
me: politically charged photo:
11:23 PM DJ: now there's a statement!
me: indeed
me: !
that your way of saying you're into that? ;)
last one I've got:
that your way of saying you're into that? ;)
last one I've got:
11:24 PM love everything about that picture
that guy's face is intense
DJ: Interesting.
he looks like I feel sometimes.
me: reminds me of JADE vsp Fleming and how fierce he looks
11:25 PM men who look like that are heavenly
DJ: ya think?
me: absolutely ABSOLUTELY
11:26 PM did I lose you to pictures again?
DJ: Nope
I meain I'm looking but I'm thinking too.
11:27 PM me: I was going to tell you something...
DJ: ?
me: from when you texted the smilie to me earlier
had to do with thinking...
but then "I changed my mind
DJ: why?
me: umm...
11:28 PM decided there was no point to it
had a very wild experience though
a first
quite nifty
DJ: ?
11:29 PM Did you pull over a police chief and call him a dumb ass?
me: no... this was a sexual thing
DJ: ?
I'm all eyes
me: although... when it comes to me an experience with a poilce chief could be sexual as well
11:30 PM DJ: you were saying..........................
me: I forgot. I'm now distracted by thoughts of police chiefs
ya remember that video I linked you to way back when?
I believe the first one I ever did link you to
11:31 PM DJ: Yes.
me: one of the reasons I liked that one was because the guy in it reminded me of CPD Chief Longo
how funny, huh?
DJ: Ah.
11:32 PM Dunno that I'd call it funny....
trying to figure out what stimulates your brain some times is like trying to interpret dreams.
some stuff makes sense llike pattern recognition and others are just wack.
11:33 PM me: ?
DJ: "What the fuck was I thinking"
me: !
what does that mean?!
DJ: Well..................
if you find the chief attractive then it makes sense...
11:34 PM but have you ever been reminded of or atracted to someone that on the serfice you'd think "What the heck am I thinking?"
me: you are talking about me?
DJ: those things make me wonder what else we are seeing that our concious minde is not aware of.
I'm just using your chief comment as an example.
for another instance......
11:35 PM me: you're using my chief comment as an example to ask yourself what was I thinking? about me?!
DJ: did you know that our sight is divided up into various componants of color/texture/ edges etc?
11:36 PM "what the fuck was i thinking" is what you (or I or anyone) could wake up thinking after a wack ass dream.
Like dreaming of having sex with your sister or some such.
11:37 PM It's like our brains have a mind of their own (silly as it sounds)
me: something triggers that stuff
DJ: Exaclty!
And I wonder what it is...
What I was saying about sight is....
11:38 PM I think we can see things that our awake brain is not aware of.
Along with things we are.
like today... I saw a girl that looked like my ex.... (double yuk)
11:39 PM Pattern recognition in that case.
I think it also happens in ways we don't recognize right away.
and it's both good and bad reactions.
11:40 PM me: considering people don't use anywhere near what they can of their brains, I imagine things like that will happen
11:41 PM DJ: that's what I'm thinking.
11:42 PM me: the only thing wrong with that picture is the chick's face
DJ: could be just a bad expression
me: but that's enough for me to reject it
she's ugly
in my opinion
DJ: Picky picky picky
11:43 PM me: very very very
DJ: :P :P :P
me: ! ! !
11:44 PM :P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P :P
me: if you used your tongue that much in real life, you'd not be able to speak for days afterward
11:45 PM DJ: It'd be worth it.
me: that picture is good
DJ: Isn't it?
me: makes me wanna duplicate it
11:46 PM DJ: !
me: are you still working your way through the site I gave you or have you found another?
11:47 PM DJ: I'm about half way though it.
It's been pretty good so far.
11:48 PM me: glad you've found it adequate
DJ: I hope you've enjoyed it.
11:49 PM me: it's been gratifying to see what you come up with
DJ: :)
It's nice to be able ot share.
I hate hiding it.
11:50 PM me: why do you?
hate hiding it? and hiding it itself?
DJ: I've never found anyone who would accept me as I am.
11:51 PM so I always have to make adjustments.
either that or I'm just a nut.
11:52 PM me: how does this sharing fit in with anyone accepting you as you are?
DJ: Never known anyone comfortable enough that they'd accept such a thing
11:53 PM me: what is the such thing you are referring to?
this one cracks me up:
DJ: In particular, porn
11:54 PM Hardware :)
In general, my sexuality always seemed to be a problem ..... I can never just be me.
11:55 PM "relaxed" so to speak. Speak my mind... etc.
11:56 PM me: and now? has something changed?
DJ: Yes.
I think you understand.
that's radically different.
11:57 PM me: and...?
DJ: ?
11:58 PM me: what does that mean to you? anything? just an acknowledgment? what?
DJ: You mean that you understand such things?
11:59 PM me: that you have come across someone who you believe does
DJ: Mind boggling.
me: Oooooooh... I LOVE this one: [link redacted]
12:00 AM DJ: That is very clever.
and good use of color.
Funny thing me though... underwater pics have the same effect as dragon flys
(I almost drowned once)
12:01 AM But I still like it.
me: please tell me you are not afraid of water
DJ: I LOVE the water.
me: here is another hot actress:
12:02 AM DJ: but movie scenes of people underwater ..... same irrational reaction like seeing a dragonfly.
I don't freak out but my inner child brain reacts to it.
12:04 AM me: you didn't expound on if it means anything to you to have come across someone who might "get" you
DJ: It means a lot.. I think about it all the time.
Makes me feel like I'm not so much of a misfit toy as I thought....
12:05 AM me: wow: [link redacted]
DJ: Will you let me watch?
me: perhaps all that's happened is you've found another misfit
12:06 AM DJ: Perhaps misfits fit?
me: misfits may fit but it is not proof one or both is not a misfit
12:07 AM DJ:The mis fit toys found good things about themselves that worked well together.
DJ: the "fit" may have been unconventional but it was still good.
12:09 AM me: heh
unconventional? sounds like an insult
DJ: Nope.
12:10 AM It's simply taking something intended for one use'fit and finding another.
me: I think these chicks that write all over themselves are so great:
DJ: it's inventive and clever.
Is the text backwards or not english?
12:11 AM me: mirror
DJ: ah... thought so.
me: looks correct in the forefront
12:12 AM DJ: good eye.
I was considering flipping it to see.
12:13 AM DJ: funny.
me: guess you could still flip it if you weren't interested in what she says
[link redacted]
tomorrow I am going to find out how much that costs these days
DJ: !
12:14 AM Why do you want to do it again?
me: because I like them. I didn't want to take them out
DJ: What did you like about them.
12:15 AM (I'm fantisizing how they'd feel against my chest)
me: I like the way they look mostly
DJ: There is that.
12:16 AM me: I prefer the horseshoe jewelry though
DJ: How did it feel? (having them, not getting them)
12:17 AM me: depended on what I wore or what was done to them by anyone else
DJ: !
12:18 AM me: what?
DJ: What?
me: DJ: !
DJ: I was just !ing
me: why were you !ing?
DJ: TF: depended on what I wore or what was done to them by anyone else
12:19 AM that's erotic to me.
me: I know what you were !ing TO, I want to know why
erotic? how so?
DJ: VERY erotic
It's an indication of your self aware nature regarding your sexuality.
12:20 AM "what I wore".... You'd feel them.....
"done to them" you'd feel them more....
very erotic to me.
just knowing they are there.....
the thought of feeling them....
under your clothes.....
12:21 AM between my teeth....
on the head of my dick...
! all around.
How's that?
me: that is... my turn for a !
DJ: Descriptive enough?
12:22 AM me: 'twill do
for now ;)
DJ: :P
I especially like photos like that
12:23 AM DJ: Why?
me: I don't share any of them with you because they aren't exactly sexspirational
they remind me of how I feel most of the time
DJ: They don't have to be.
12:24 AM I want to see them then.
me: nah. I linked that one because I like it particularly
12:26 AM I also like the ones with girls laying in leaves or on newspapers et cetera but you don't seem to care for those types so I don't share them with you
DJ: You should
me: no
DJ: WHy?
12:27 AM
what else are you doing besides chatting with me?
12:28 AM DJ: Looking for pics
me: you not coming up with many?
DJ: Nope.
12:29 AM !
DJ: and then wammo!
me: !!
me: yours is sexy
DJ: reminds me of kissing your neck.
12:30 AM [link redacted]
me: thrilling
12:31 AM DJ: eggplant girl:
[link redacted]
me: hah
12:32 AM DJ: It's that ime.
me: left or right: [link redacted]
DJ: left
12:33 AM DJ: funny.
me: okay. now you can go to bed
DJ: yes'm
ty :)
me: yer welcome