When we met on July 26, 2010, in, I believe, Crewe, VA, “Gattuso, Anthony, SA,” true to his word, brought me a copy of the email sent to him by “Beckner, David M., Lt.”
I assumed it was the real deal, too, since I had not antecedently provided Tony any of the specifics of my conversation with his Lieutenant.
When I’d called the Virginia State Police that previous Wednesday looking for my own luscious State Policeman, lest anyone I spoke with might recognize me as the I HeArTE JADE blogger, I’d used my maiden name.
In the message he’d given Tony, Dave Beckner, whom I’d talked to for about 10 minutes, got my surname correct -- although he’d inexplicably goofed on my first name. Other than that, the details he’d passed along to Tony were correct; I had, in fact, identified myself as an “independent journalist” seeking info on a case I offered no particulars about.
I giggled audibly upon reading the part he wrote about “evasiveness.” My, but these guys are comical! Lt. Beckner had been nothing less than friendly and polite with me -- and I to him also -- but I guess, to a lawman, even the teeniest prevarication automatically justifies a high level of suspicion. Oh well.
As for the remainder of that particular Monday with my lover, more on it, and the additional tangibles he put in my hands, later.