date Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:21 PM
subject Chat with DJ Vox
7:21 PM DJ: Hiya :)
You not at home?
7:22 PM me: hey gorgeous! nope, not at home. in and out.
Did you like song by Pink?
DJ: Gorgeous? You are going to have me looking over my shoulder.
The pink song was pretty good.
me: I very much like the way you look. I think you are gorgeous
7:23 PM DJ: Jeebus.... you are gonna make me blush
me: good ;)
DJ: !!
Which reminds me... need to trim the beard tonight.
7:24 PM me: you don't have to, if for my sake
DJ: it's getting to the bug me stage too.
7:25 PM me: ah, okay
have you ever seen this picture of JADE Jon McKay? []
I think he's gorgeous too
DJ: can't say that I have.
7:26 PM Is he porn star?
me: yup
DJ: I thought he had big hair?
me: huh-uh
and now a beard
DJ: ah.
me: don't like the beard
DJ: 'causa that jade chick.
7:27 PM But mine is ok, huh?
think I'd look funny to you without it?
me: no, I think you'd look good
I've seen pictures of you without it, remember?
DJ: sorta
7:28 PM one was twenty five years ago.
and one I was fat... (ok... fattER)
me: good gawd I was like 10!
7:29 PM haha
DJ: thank you VERY much.
me: Hahaha
well, certainly you remember I don't think you're old
DJ: You are not THAT young :P
me: !
I will not speak to you any more
DJ: I've only got 10 on you, right?
me: we are DONE
7:30 PM Grrr...
DJ: Grrrrrrr
me: 12
DJ: but who's counting
me: I am. Now that you've pointed it out
DJ: :P
Yup... I'm an old fart.
me: <--- very sensitive about my age
7:31 PM DJ: Nothing at all wrong with your age.
me: VERY VERY sensitive
a woman over 30 might as well be dead
DJ: Nope.
me: yes
DJ: no
me: YES
DJ: Do not argue with me.
7:32 PM me: why not? afraid you'll lose?
! even.
me: heehee
you are already flustered at the thought
DJ: It's cause I'm laying down again.
me: sure, sure
excuses, excuses
DJ: I'm flustered but not by THAT thought :P
me: you are full of excuses today
what thought flusters you?
DJ: ;)
7:33 PM me: tell me. tell me!
DJ: what?
You wouldn't at all be interested in what goes on in MY head.
7:34 PM Specailly SOME stuff ....
7:35 PM me: telling me what goes on in your head is foreplay to me. Without mental stimulation there is no physical stimulation for me
DJ: Ah.... you know.. that makes perfect sense to me. :)
7:36 PM But that would be when I tell you about doing work things and stories and such....
Ok... I take it back....
7:37 PM me: your work things and stories are exactly what I need
I don't think you "ge" that
not really
7:38 PM DJ: I do get that.
it's just tough for me to just come up with one on demand...
7:39 PM me: well think of some tonight to tell me tomorrow ;)
DJ: girl wants foreplay
7:40 PM me: NEEDS
DJ: Girl NEEDS foreplay... and for what do she need the play?
7:41 PM tell me more about your needs.
7:42 PM me: why?
7:43 PM DJ: Because I'm curious.... and because how great would it be if I could provide for some of them.
me: you could. but you won't. I can tell
7:44 PM we can discuss it tomorrow I suppose
if you're up for it
DJ: I'm up for anything.
me: ha! keep telling yourself that
you can't be up for anything when it comes to me
7:45 PM DJ: You'd be surprised.
me: you can be persuaded into some things... but not others
7:46 PM or maybe you can but I just don't want to work that hard on you
DJ: Most good things you have to work for... most things you don't have to work for are not worth having.
7:47 PM me: (biting my tongue)
DJ: don't
me: must
7:48 PM DJ: spill it.
me: nope
can't make me
DJ: Not making you... I'm ASKING you.
me: in that case...
don't ask
7:49 PM DJ: Why?
me: some things are better left unsaid
DJ: Mean? Unkind? Brutal truth?
7:50 PM me: none of those
not really
DJ: Will not let me but so close huh?
me: precisely
7:51 PM DJ: Why?
me: there is no need for you to get closer
DJ: do you want me physically closer?
7:52 PM me: yes and no
mostly yes
DJ: What's the no part?
7:53 PM me: why the question about physically closer?
DJ: it's important.
me: why?
DJ: I get mixed signals.... I'm trying to gather intel.
7:54 PM me: I send mixed signals... I'll deliberately muddle your intel gathering
7:55 PM DJ: I know. I think I'm supposed to work it like a puzzle.
me: does it frustrate you?
DJ: Yes and no.
7:56 PM me: explain both
DJ: Yes in the sense that it is a puzzle and I'm not solving it well...
no in the sense that it's a puzzle and I've not solved it yet.
7:57 PM me: what would make you think you might be solving it well?
in other words, what would it take?
DJ: Knowing... understanding....
7:58 PM me: what do you want from me?
DJ: Your friendship.
me: don't you think you have that?
DJ: You have a reserve.
7:59 PM There are walls.... "this close but no closer"...
I am very happy to know what you've let me see.
8:00 PM me: then we should leave things as they are
DJ: (in other words, I'm not complaining)
Noo I don't think so.
But that's just my opinion.
me: why no?
DJ: And what would happen NOT leaving things as they are?
8:01 PM me: what do you expect to happen?
8:02 PM DJ: I have no idea... that is the curiosity of it.. but every time we interact, you end up teaching me things... large and small... all good :)
8:03 PM me: look, you have gotten all the friendship you are going to get out of me. So if friendship is what you want, then we are...
DJ: Nope.
me: whatever
what "nope"?
DJ: I don't agree.
I can do that you knw.
me: I don't understand. what do you want?!
8:04 PM DJ: you to RELAX
me: at this moment? always? when?
DJ: always.
me: feh
DJ: take a deep breath so to speak.
ah... "feh"
Had to happen at SOME point.
8:05 PM me: ;)
DJ: ;)
me: :P :P :P :P
DJ: :P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P:P :P :P :P
8:06 PM me: Whoah.
DJ: I've got capacity.
AND skill ;)
me: I'm sure you do
DJ: you KNOW I do.
It's one of the scary things.
8:07 PM me: I should never have told you that
8:08 PM DJ: Nah.. you are fine with me.. you just haven't figured it out yet.
8:09 PM me: I'm only going to be more locked down with you
by the way... I'm playing with your :Ps
DJ: Isn't that fun? I just wish that when I did it on this end they did that on your end.
8:10 PM me: that would be funny
DJ: I should suggest it to the google folks... shouldn't be to difficult to do.
(I'm ignoring your "locked down" comment)
8:11 PM me: could prolly come up with it yourself and just have them implement the code
you might ignore the comment but you won't be able to ignore the act
DJ: You want to be locked down? I thought you were not into that?
8:12 PM me: I dare you to try it and see :P
8:13 PM DJ: THAT ain't gonna are just waiting to give me a "SEE I TOLD YA SO" moment if I whip out freaky stuff on you! :P
(you'd have to beg)
8:14 PM me: I. Don't. Beg.
DJ: I know.. that way I know I don't have to worry about it :P
8:15 PM me: I would like to know all about your freaky stuff though
since I am aware it's there
DJ: I'll tell you all about it....
But you can't have any of it.
me: not any?
DJ: Nope..
8:16 PM If anything freaky happend.............
it would have to be OUR freaky....
Natrual... nothing contrived...
8:17 PM connecting on a mind bending level on a pink camo sleeping bag next to a lake.
me: was it a mind-bending level?
DJ: Was for me.
Remember the haiku?
me: do you connect like that often?
8:18 PM DJ: I've been living of that small moment for a while now.
I've had full sex that was GOOD that wasn't that good.
connected like.
8:19 PM FEELING someone...
feeling them feeling me.
me: and yet...
DJ: And yet?
8:20 PM me: never mind
DJ: Tell me.
me: I can't
DJ: Why?
8:21 PM me: too revealing
DJ: Sigh
8:22 PM me: sorry
DJ: Sokey
I still like you lots.
Is that ok?
me: mucho okayo
8:23 PM DJ: So anyway...............
me: yes?
DJ: Topic please... :)
8:24 PM me: what is in farmville to do?
DJ: Me?
oh wait...
you already made that joke... ;)
8:25 PM Well.. there's not much in the way of diversion unless you like furniture or collage....
me: oh, that was no joke
DJ: BUT....
Wasn't huh?
Well I can stop right here then.
me: no, keep going
wait; collage?
8:26 PM DJ: Collage town.
Longwood I think
me: as in where to matriculate from?
DJ: Oops
8:27 PM me: hahaha
I was like huh?
DJ: No wonder you are not interested in me.. I'm such a moron.
me: that's not a moron thing
where do get I am not interested in you?!
DJ: If I were smarter you might even try to jump my bones.
(or bone as the case may be)
me: you are the one resisting my advances
8:28 PM DJ: Um... who's got a bruise on his hands from being knocked away?? :P
8:29 PM me: a gentle refusal at most
8:30 PM DJ: But a refusal none the less... I have a problem for a guy.. I take NO as an answer... tough to get past "no"
It's that strange respect thing.
I need to work on that.
8:32 PM me: you think you need to be less respectful? that's a new one
DJ: Kidding
I cannot be less respectful... not in my nature.
me: so you intend for us to spend the day at a sheetz gas station -- is that correct?
DJ: did you see this?:
8:33 PM No... Sheetz is just easy to find.
You'd prefer I have you go directly to the motel?
me: what motel?
DJ: Whatever one is booked.
me: ?
DJ: ?
(I'm joking)
8:34 PM me: too bad
nifty picture
DJ: I think it's funny.
Too bad?
explain please.
me: too bad that you're joking
8:35 PM it's not nice to pull my sexual strings
DJ: Only in the sense that I'd have one lined up before you got there.
AFTER you get there is another matter entirely.
8:36 PM me: why? I haven't hidden my interest in you and me in a motel
DJ: Well that could have been one of the things on my list to discuss...
and by the way...
You'd LOVE my string pulling.
me: mmmm... I bet
8:37 PM I want to do the motel thing, if for no other reason than to see what new clever excuses you come up with
DJ: Excusese for NOT going it?
excuses even.
8:38 PM me: excuses for not actually wanting me
DJ: You are so wrong.
me: a motel rules out the "public" excuse
DJ: Yep
me: and the "uncomfortable place" excuse
8:39 PM or it should rule that one out
DJ: Well..that's public too.
me: OH MY GOD! You've already got the same excuses prepared!
DJ: nope.
I'm just going with your list.
8:40 PM You'd be happy with in the car?
me: no
DJ: Didn't think so.
me: if there were no other options
then yes
DJ: So there you go.
me: as long as you hold my gum
DJ: Headboard.
8:41 PM Wait... only if it were your OWN headboard.
anywhere else....
clean glass or some such.
8:42 PM me: ?
DJ: joking... parking the gum on the headboard..
Extended meaning...
I'd need both hands free...
8:43 PM to properlly...
you know....
me: for you to properly... well... be nervous?
8:44 PM DJ: Noooo...
attend to you...
me: you know what I think? I think you prefer the flirting
DJ: Nope.
me: you have no interest in beyond
DJ: Yes I do.
8:45 PM I want that naked DLL lecture.
In the dark of course.
8:46 PM me: you honestly think I could talk if you are as good as you say you are?
DJ: Well yes if we were JUST talking....
anything else is a different matter....
8:47 PM And hopefully thee would be SOME talking... gasping... praying... encouragement....direction....etc.
oh.. forgot cussing...
8:48 PM me: you are all talk
DJ: No ma'am... Try me.
me: I have
DJ: Just tell me you want to.
8:49 PM me: I've told you enough
DJ: Ok then.. I will make it happen.
me: you tell me not enough
DJ: ?
me: necessary mental stimulation
8:50 PM DJ: Ah...
I have to save my stories up then. ;)
8:51 PM So I can whisper in your ear about wiretaps and sneaking into someones house to plant a microphone...
me: ooh la la
DJ: Exactly
me: exactly
DJ: ;)
me: hahaha
DJ: oh that is TOOO strange!
me: ;)
8:52 PM DJ: Ok... so I guess I don't have to look for more things to do tomorrow.... :P
me: did you even look at all?
DJ: I didn.
I did.
8:53 PM I figured farmville because at LEAST there's got to be somewhere I could take you to feed you instead of a gas station.
me: heh
good idea
but I'm okay with gas station food too
8:54 PM <-- easy to please
DJ: We'll need to load you up on energy food then :P
8:55 PM me: why's that?
I'm already high energy
DJ: So you can keep up.
8:56 PM me: me keep up?! dream on
DJ: ;)
Ok...I'll remember that.
8:57 PM me: if you can get me interested far enough to that point, it's you who'll have to keep up
DJ: "get me interested"
8:58 PM Girl, I can just tell you've never been properly attended to.
me: what is it about you that I find most appealing?
DJ: There would be no time for DISinterest.
based on what you SAY.... brains and fun. and perhaps a smattering of looks.
8:59 PM BUT.. I think, despite your "I know before meeting you" thoughts....
that meeting in person MAY have given you a few more things to add to the list.
9:00 PM WEll roundedness perhaps??
Most attributes in one package?
me: It's fabulous you are so handsome, but had you not been I would still be carrying on with you. I'm not shallow
DJ: (It AIN'T good spelling THAT's for sure!
9:01 PM me: haha @ spelling
DJ: Damn! And I was working up to a great punch line too!
9:02 PM me: good thing you're witty too
DJ: that's one thing I probably wouldn't call myself but ty.
9:03 PM me: like I've said, I have an odd sense of humor
12 hours
DJ: Now THAT makes sense ;)
12 hours.
looking forward to it?
me: I would like to believe most of what I say makes sense
of course I'm looking forward to it
9:04 PM DJ: You make so much sense I've had to take a strong look at some of my attitudes and perspectives.
me: such as?
9:05 PM DJ: I can't list them but I'll say things and you'll point out other meanings or.....
me: is it beneficial?
DJ: That i'm not making sense or things like that.
very much so.
9:06 PM me: :)
DJ: :)
me: ;)
DJ: so........
me: yes?
have you run out of things to type to me?
DJ: nope..
9:07 PM Just had a brain fart.
me: gross
I had some Trooper tell me that on the phone once...
DJ: That "TF is typing" thing can mess me up some times.
me: it was like a professional call too
DJ: Geebus.
9:08 PM me: I laughed my butt off
DJ: I bet
me: he was very nice and helpful but what a strange thing to say to me
9:09 PM I forget I'm "TF" on here
DJ: what's it say on your end?
me: DJ
Plus: DJ is offline. Messages you send will be delivered when DJ comes online.
DJ: noo on YOUR lines.. does it say "me:"
me: yes, says "me"
9:10 PM DJ: I see.
me: same for you I expect
DJ: Yup
TF: same for you I expect
me: Yup
me: Yup
me: I don't like that it doesn't say me every time I put something in though
I think that's how we miss stuff each other says
9:11 PM or maybe it's just me
or maybe it's just that you don't pay as much attention as I do
DJ: No.. I've gone back to look when you've pointed otu that I've missed stuff.
and you can miss a line here and there.
Sometimes it's because I'm typing in the box and you scroll a few lines.
9:12 PM me: do you keep the box small or something?
I run about twelve lines visible
DJ: No.. I make the type bigger so it's easier to read.
9:13 PM me: holy you-know-what! how do you miss stuff then?!
DJ: <<< Old and Blind
me: I guess so
DJ: Comes from masturbating every day :P
me: sometimes more than once a day you've said
9:14 PM DJ: Particularly when I have some privacy.
me: how do you manage that?
DJ: rarely.
me: I mean, if you do that every day
how do you manage to do that?
DJ: Oh.. I see...
Well "every day" is in the shower...
9:15 PM me: so... every time you take a shower?
DJ: Pretty much... think about it.. it's morning... testosterone is high....
9:16 PM but ike I said..
the very few times I was around someone who was able to "keep up" so to speak... I didn't... saved ti for her.... no porn either... had no interest.
9:17 PM Porn only fills the need for something external stimulation wise.
(Now SHE'S going to be making excuses ;) )
me: I'm picky on the porn myself
DJ: me too.
9:18 PM Sucks to have to wade though a lot of crap to find the good stuff.
can I look over your shoulder one day? ;)
me: sure
wouldn't bother me
DJ: I think it would be interesting :)
9:19 PM What types you like etc.
me: you'd be like WTF?!
9:20 PM DJ: try me...
me: ooooooh noooo. not in here. I've already lost my in-court argument... but no example porn, no way!
9:21 PM DJ: Yes'm
me: I may tell you what it is I look at when we are together tomorrow if you ask
DJ: I'd like that.
9:22 PM can we add that to the naked discussion list?
me: mkay
DJ: That might even work better than DLL fixes.
And wiretaps.
9:23 PM me: maybe for you
I still need the techie/gadget-y stuff
DJ: I'll hook you up.
me: oh will you now?
DJ: Ask and ye shall receive.
9:24 PM And receive
And receive
And receive
me: you seem to be ultra sensitive about the Law Enforcement junk I am afraid to ask you things about it now
DJ: No, I'm ok with it.
I told you to ask me.
me: I know, but then you get defensive
or insulted
DJ: I'm trying to be better.
9:25 PM me: aww... that's so sweet of you
DJ: I can't be better if you give up.
me: I don't give up, I just manipulate better
9:26 PM DJ: Well if by that you mean working things into a conversation I can go along with that.
me: I know you can
DJ: So we both have to learn to give in a little.
9:28 PM me: you really have no clue how much I've given in to you, do you?
DJ: Much more than you think I do.
I'm not totally oblivious.
me: then maybe it's not oblivion... maybe it's unappreciativeness
9:29 PM DJ: There's just no need to mention it.
not that either.
it's like..............
You have these momentous moments with me...
me: if there's no need to mention you notice it then why mention it's not enough
DJ: and were I to point them out, perhaps they'd stop happening.
9:30 PM me: what is momentous to you?
DJ: Saying yes to the question about wanting me to kiss you.
for instance.
I KNOW that was pulled from deep inside you.
9:31 PM and....
I FEEL (I could be wrong)... that you have decided several times to place a distance or even stop talking to me... but you come back.
9:32 PM and you tell me things and then me the feeling that you just opened up more than younormally would.
Or I could be all totally wrong about all of it.
9:33 PM me: you are right in what you just now wrote
do you remember out cat/bug thing?
DJ: yes.
9:34 PM me: I feel like I'm some generic domestic kitty and you're a black corsair or something
which is not how it was supposed to be
9:35 PM DJ: I feel you "looking" at me like that sometimes (not even in person either).
It's almost like your perceptions about what someone can be have been challenged.
9:36 PM me: I am simply used to people being... dumber than me.
you threw me
9:37 PM DJ: I would not say I was smarter than you.
I know some different things than you... but I do not think I'm smarter.
But even finding someone par would be tough for you.
me: yes!
9:38 PM DJ: So....
yes... I do know what you are saying and not all that is lost on me.
Goes hand in hand with me not taking you lightly.
So there.
9:39 PM me: well I think you were merely looking for something and I happened to block your path -- albeit temporarily
9:40 PM you'll move on soon enough
you eternally seek, I believe
DJ: Seek what?
me: something...
DJ: You've been so miss-handled. :(
me: to complete you...
or fulfill you
DJ: Today..
9:41 PM you asked for the receipt for the storage unit...
and I wanted to get the bikes there before the sky opened up so i took my camera.........
and while I was driving there I was having a conversation with you in my head.......
I was going..
9:42 PM "Geepus girl... you have had your trust abused badly by men in general and probably cops in particular haven't you?"
But I figured a picture of me in ti with my bikes would be more fun that a piece of paper.
It was painful...
9:43 PM I could feel it.. so many times men have told you bullshit and ti turned out to be bullshit...
so much so that you expect it.
I felt pain for you.
9:44 PM "I'm getting a storage unit"... easy to say.... means a lot to me I indicated... But I know how it could sound like more bullshit.
Well it does mean a lot to me and I'm elated today because...
every journey starts with a single step... and this is mine.
I'm blathering again.
9:45 PM me: I like your "blathering"
as for my...
Law Enforcement issues...
DJ: that wasn't a probe for info.
You dn't have to go there.
me: I know it wasn't a probe...
DJ: ok.
me: but...
DJ: Just as long as you know.
9:46 PM me: tomorrow...
I would really like to tell you some of my experiences...
if you will listen...
I think...
you will be surprised at how much I still...
9:47 PM hmm...
respect officers...
after some of the things that have happened to me
9:48 PM DJ: Why do you think I'm so careful with you... I don't ever want to even approach being one of those "things."
me: anyway....
(that is me pulling a "you" to change the topic)
DJ: wait.. that's MY word :P
9:49 PM me: right!
DJ: "feh" :P
me: you catch on quick
DJ: I like making you laugh.
me: you know I have had an effect on you when you start saying feh to someone other than me
I like that you make me laugh
humor is very important to me
9:50 PM right up there with brains
DJ: so anyway...
Where were we?
9:51 PM Oh yes... we were coming up with the naked discussion list.
me: were we? I don't recollect that
9:52 PM DJ: I've been talking about it for DAYS
me: I must've been distracted
DJ: I guess...
me: like... by holsters
DJ: Should I bring mine?
9:54 PM me: your what -- holster?
not without a firearm in it
9:55 PM DJ: I wasn't going to carry but I remember how bright your eyes got... I might have to think about it ;)
me: you realize oral sex on you included gum and a gun? how cool is that?!
I get a kick out of it every time I think about it
9:56 PM DJ: Are the both required though?
me: no. but it was very cool you held my gum, and you had a gun
that's one of those lifelong memories there
9:57 PM DJ: Ah. your welcome.
me: :)
9:58 PM DJ: I have :
9:59 PM and this for my colt:
me: wow. old school.
10:00 PM I've discovered state police tend to not use black holsters as much as local agencies
DJ: This is the one you saw:
Only because the stuff they issue sucks and we buy our own.\
10:01 PM me: fleming is the only JADE officer with a brown holster
but you could buy black
yet y'all don't
DJ: My issue holster is a gigundus paddle holster that I couldn't hide for shit.
10:02 PM Most regualr galco stuff is brown... I never even thought to ask for black... looks to "tactical" which is cop gay.
Besides... that little holster looks much less like a holster when it's empty because it's not black.
10:03 PM me: that makes sense
10:04 PM I guess I think of black as badass or something
like what you say "tactical"
I don't think of that as "cop gay"
DJ: "tactical" is marketing bullshit'
10:05 PM tactical knives.. tactical flashlights....
tactical underwear... it never ends.
me: but it evokes tough
so I don't care
and neither do the consumers of it
DJ: If I take out the bad guy with a pencil to his eye does that make it tactical?
10:06 PM me: that makes you tactical
and tough
DJ: Exaclty.
TOYS don't make the man.
They are just tools.
me: toys make the man look hot though
DJ: different subject.
10:07 PM me: okay, if they are just tools...
then calling them tactical shouldn't matter either
10:08 PM DJ: I agree.. but it's the TOY geeks that are scary.. they think having the latest and greatest BLACK toys will win the fight. And the marketing types have picked up on this and are making it worse.
NOT that I have an opinion on this or anything.
10:09 PM me: heck, half the guys think having a badge is an auto-win in a fight
more than half prolly
DJ: Same dumb fuckers.
me: thing is...
they're pretty much correct
which is why they can buy tactical
10:10 PM DJ: that badge and a quarter will not even get you a cup of coffee.
me: because it doesn't matter
that badge and no quarter will get a man just about anything he wants
from pussy to food to a car and home
DJ: I Good man will never abuse that power....
10:11 PM I?
geebus I must be tired.
me: perhaps you should go to sleep
DJ: I need food.
me: I need to take a shower anyway
DJ: Haven't eaten yet.
Again with the plant of that image in my head.
10:12 PM me: I hope it's at least a pretty image
DJ: it's VERY nice :)
me: :)
10:13 PM okay, so you go eat and I'll go get scrubbed
DJ: yum
me: and we will see each other at 0900?
DJ: My craving just changed.
me: ?
DJ: was for food...
Now I'm just hungry ;)
me: haha
10:14 PM DJ: cya :)
me: night!