date Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:03 PM
subject Chat with DJ Vox
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9:03 PM DJ: allo?
from DJ Vox
date Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:28 PM
subject Chat with DJ Vox
9:28 PM DJ: allo?
me: hi :)
9:29 PM are you okay?
DJ: why would I be angry?
me: I don't know. I just don't want you to be.
9:30 PM you might be mad cause I was bitchy
or sobby
or whatever
DJ: No
and no
and no
me: aww...
you sure?
DJ: yes.
9:31 PM me: are you okay?
9:32 PM DJ: sad... I'm sad that my messed up life has leaked onto yours (not that yours is messed up)
me: :(
9:33 PM can I make it up to you somehow?
what can I do?
DJ: keep being honest.
me: that seems to be what made you sad
9:34 PM DJ: Not your honesty... my messedupedness.
me: but like you said I already knew about your alleged messedupedness
and that wasn't the whole of the info I had
9:35 PM I shoulda ignored what I was given
I'm really really sorry
I don't want you sad
9:36 PM I dfinitely don't want to be the one who makes you sad
definitely either
DJ: I'll be fine.
:)<<<<<< see?
9:37 PM me: are you smiling?
DJ: sorta. I'm making the effort....
me: I could find some sexy pictures of redheads for you if you want
would they make you smile?
DJ: not yet.
9:38 PM did you fix your printer?
me: yes!
DJ: how?
me: I have a new printer
it's the scanner type
got it all installed and good to go
9:39 PM I still have to dl something for the scanner part
but whatever
third time really IS a charm
DJ: What will you be printing?
9:40 PM me: I have no idea
DJ: and you were so worried.
9:41 PM or stressed.. (not the good kind)
me: what -- about the printer?
9:42 PM DJ: yep
9:43 PM me: I was annoyed that I couldn't get things to fall into place
it's legitimate concern
9:45 PM me: pretty
is this your way of saying you don't need me to find you redheads
9:46 PM DJ: No.
I'm more interested in you sending what YOU like.
me: what do you think of her outfit -- aside from the lack of a shirt?
DJ: I'll send what I like... we'll meet in the middle.
9:47 PM she'd be hot in burlap.. it's the attitude. Love girls in jeans.... she'd look fine even if there was a t under the jacket.
9:48 PM almost nothing hotter than a girl in a pair of mens 501s.
me: hmm...
9:49 PM 501s are not fitted
9:50 PM DJ: I fooped...
closed the whole window instead of a tab
9:51 PM me: what was the last comment you got from me?
9:52 PM DJ: You asked about her clothes I think
me: DJ: almost nothing hotter than a girl in a pair of mens 501s.
me: hmm...
501s are not fitted
me: hmm...
501s are not fitted
9:54 PM DJ: They are hot BECAUSE they are not fitted.
her shape makes it happen...
that's attitude
DJ: nice
it's a living vargas girl!
holy hell!
9:57 PM DJ: I've seen her before... :)
oh my gosh... you've seen her and didn't share?
9:58 PM DJ: Before you.
9:59 PM if you like that kind of stuff, google deta von tease
(I htink that's the name)
me: ICK! I despise Dita
nonono no!
10:00 PM DJ: oooookay
just thought it was similar... perhaps she's changed lately.
10:01 PM me: Dita is commercialized fakey classless... ick
me: she's cheeseball not cheesecake
10:02 PM DJ: 10-4
10:03 PM me: the puppydog ears hair-do sucks but she's got great... lips
DJ: skin/hands
10:04 PM me: voluptuous
DJ: not a nice pose for her.
10:06 PM me: no?
that one is posed weird, but she is HOT
DJ: Um.... agreed
10:08 PM me: strip her tats away and she'd be perfect looks-wise for you
DJ: nah... I like them.
fer instance:
10:09 PM
10:10 PM me: well, there are females that are so beautiful you can overlook their tats and there are ones that have the tats so you can overlook how unbeautiful they are
the one you linked to is the former
10:11 PM DJ: But I like YOUR looks.. how do you account for that?
me: I am the latter
10:12 PM DJ: I don't see you that way.
THe following is just strange looking to me... or am I weird?:
10:13 PM me: bad cosmetic surgery
DJ: ah... that makes sense.
10:15 PM me: the only thing I find appealing in that picture is the headboard
DJ: ah
me: do you like it?
10:16 PM DJ: it appeals.
10:17 PM That over the shoulder thing.....
you go for the "come hither" look, eh?
10:18 PM DJ: Yum... that and the touching self does it for me too.
10:20 PM me: I imagine so, touching self is blatantly sexual
10:21 PM DJ: It's a confidence thing too... someone who's afraid or unsure of how to touch them selves will be very poor at touching anyone else also.
me: here is one I don't care for but you may like:
10:22 PM well, I am quite sure I know how to touch myself and touch others but I don't know that I'd be too inclined to demonstrate touching myself
10:23 PM DJ: not so much her.
But you'd watch me ;)
10:24 PM me: would LOVE to watch you
10:25 PM me: that one is ho-hum
not enough face
DJ: But I like it.
me: but too much face to be erotic
why do you like it?
10:26 PM just due to the hair color?
DJ: I think partially...
sometimes I can't even put a finger on it.
10:28 PM tell me what you think of this one:
10:29 PM DJ: cute....
me: really?
DJ: "perky..."
but not so much sexy.
fine line there.
me: she's freakin' ugly!
10:30 PM DJ: see.. we have different tastes in women.
I don't think she's at all ugly.
10:31 PM me: maybe you're just that stuck on the hair color... it makes you blind
try that one
DJ: scary eyes...
could be cute though.
fair warning...I"m fading.
me: :(
10:32 PM well I am happy you played with me tonight
DJ: always like it.
shall I buzz you in the am?
me: please do
DJ: Yes'm
10:33 PM Night.
me: sleep well