This site comprises documentation of my contact and interaction with Virginia State Police Special Agent (Anthony) Tony Gattuso -- up until the agency he's employed by forbid him to see me. Posts are in chronological order; newest additions are on the last page.

Piano pieces...

from TF JADE
to DJ Vox
date Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 6:18 PM
subject Piano pieces...

So I believe I've said to you that I don't mind "sharing" a man with his wife -- as long as I don't have to share him with any other female on the side. But one of the things about me having a relationship with any given married man that makes such work well is that his wife generally ignores him 90 per cent. of the time. In your situation, however, your (I know, I know, pseudo) wife apparently devotes a tremendous amount of her life to you. Which, as I see it, makes it worse for me than secondary sharing. You push the idea of just enjoying what is good between "us" but I ask myself why wouldn't you want me to go along with that? You, after all, are the one making out like a bandit with the arrangement. I don't want to lose you; then again, it's blatantly obvious I don't have you, thus how is it possible to lose someone I don't even have?

Fracturing the heart
The beauty of addiction

from DJ Vox
date Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:39 PM
subject Re: Piano pieces...


from DJ Vox
date Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:22 AM
subject Re: Piano pieces...

I had to mull an answer for this.and have one but need a proper.keyboard to get it written..I'll have it to you during my first session in the am.

Hope to talk to you too.

from DJ Vox
date Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:38 AM
subject Re: Piano pieces...

So yes she is paying a lot of attention to me but that id a direct result of the blow up we had the other day.. I've identified this pattern and even pointed it out to her... I blow up..... she gets attentive (annoyingly so) it drops of to her normal disinterest where she's totally happy being self absorbed and having me as a little satellite in her world and then all of a sudden she gets "you re being distant" and I blow up and yell about "Well DUH!"

Anyway.... She had a day of clarity when we discussed "our situation" and that she wondered if I could stay around so she could go away for a while... I just keep my mouth shut and continue with my plans

I'm so sorry that it's such a pain in the ass for you.... I never planned for anything like this or like you.... it's out of my experience.

I don't want to do without you either.

Just in our first session.. I hope to call you on our first break and before you have to be at work.