This site comprises documentation of my contact and interaction with Virginia State Police Special Agent (Anthony) Tony Gattuso -- up until the agency he's employed by forbid him to see me. Posts are in chronological order; newest additions are on the last page.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I sat to the left of Tony at a table in a Hooters in been-there-previously Farmville, Va. Technically, I chose the establishment albeit ‘twas my State Policeman’s half-joking suggestion that’s where we go to eat. Our server, a short, not-so-attractive brunette, took our order for lunch. When the girl decked out in the polyester 70s-style orange shorts wiggled her butt to the kitchen, I gestured to a group of about eight other female employees having a powwow in the uncrowded restaurant. “All of them are prettier than our waitress,” I remarked, “sorry we got stuck with the ugly one.” Tony told me it didn’t matter then complimented me on my looks. He’s such a sweetheart.

Twirling my nails over the top of his hand, I drank him in. He gazed back at me, then, after a moment, exclaimed “Your eyes are sparkling!” I knew what he meant because I could literally feel my pupils doing so. I’m not certain why he found it astonishing; it’s not as if he wasn’t mindful I was just that crazy about him. It annoyed me, though, that I seemed to have no control over my body’s reaction to the rugged guy. Seriously, it’s one thing for me to have numerously told him I was “in-love” with him. But having him actually see it? This was altogether different.

On the way home, I stopped at the familiar Valero Gas Station in Crewe for a coffee. While waiting for a break in traffic so I could cross the road, something on the corner of the building caught my attention.

Sure, it’s not uncommon for the average convenience store to have video cameras. However I did not expect one in this tiny little town -- population of, like, nine -- to have them on the outside of the structure, too.

It occurred to me that maybe my impression of the place was off a bit. It had been busy any time the Special Agent and I had gone there -- even at dawn. In fact, especially at dawn.

What makes it more absurd is that the monitor for their surveillance hangs right in the dang middle of the shop. Where everybody inside can view it.

I watched the screen only enough to observe that it very definitely shows the parking spot where Tony and I had sex in his SUV approximately a week prior.

God bless the State Police for thoroughly tinting the windows on their vehicles. ‘Course I did recall that classic bumper sticker.

Upon departure, I wondered how long the facility saved their recordings. I also pondered how long before today’s bite mark from Tony on my breast turned into a black and blue bruise.